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Stop that Rust – 5 Tips for Keeping Your Firearms Rust-Free in a Gun Safe

October 13, 2023

One of the primary concerns for firearms owners is preventing rust formation on their valuable firearms. Below are five proven methods to ensure your firearms remain rust-free in your gun safe.

  1. Dehumidifiers: The leading cause of rust is moisture, which can accumulate inside a gun safe, even in a controlled environment. Investing in a high-quality dehumidifier is essential. You can choose between two types:
    • Desiccant Dehumidifiers: These are easy to install and maintain, as they simply need periodic recharging in your oven. They absorb moisture from the air and are a great choice for smaller safes.
    • Electric Dehumidifiers: These plug into a power source and continuously remove moisture from the air. Electric dehumidifiers are perfect for larger safes and require less hands-on attention.
  2. Gun Safe Seal Maintenance: Make sure your gun safe's door seal is in top shape. Over time, seals can wear out or become damaged, allowing moisture to seep in. Check your seal regularly, and replace it as needed to maintain an airtight environment.
  3. Rust Inhibiting Products: There are various rust inhibiting products on the market, such as gun safe rust prevention mats, vapor capsules, and corrosion-resistant bags. These can be placed within your safe to create a protective atmosphere for your firearms. Some of these products also emit rust-preventing vapors.
  4. Climate Control: If your firearms collection is stored in a location with fluctuating temperatures and humidity, consider installing a climate control system. These systems can help maintain a stable environment inside your safe, preventing condensation and rust. Climate control can be particularly essential for collectors in regions with extreme weather.
  5. Regular Maintenance: Don't neglect the importance of maintaining your firearms themselves. Regularly clean and lubricate your guns with high-quality gun oil. A well-maintained firearm is less susceptible to rust. Ensure the bore, action, and exterior are all cleaned and lubricated according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

In addition to these five tips, consider these general best practices:

  • Rotate your firearms: Periodically take out your guns, inspect them, and replace any moisture-absorbing products. This will help you detect and address any potential rust issues early.
  • Store your firearms with a gun sock or silicone-treated gun cases, which offer an additional layer of protection against moisture and rust.

By following these tips and investing in the right equipment, you can significantly reduce the risk of rust forming on your firearms while they are stored in your gun safe. A rust-free firearm is not only aesthetically pleasing but also ensures optimal performance and longevity.

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