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Top 7 Summer Range Drills to Improve Tactical Shotgun Accuracy

June 07, 2024

Summer is the perfect time to hit the range and refine your shotgun skills. Modern shotgun trainers emphasize a variety of drills to enhance accuracy, speed, and tactical proficiency. Here are seven proven summer range drills to improve your tactical shotgun accuracy:

  1. Static Bullseye Drill

The Static Bullseye Drill is a fundamental exercise to enhance your aim and trigger control. Set up paper targets at various distances, typically starting at 10 yards. Focus on achieving tight shot groups by aiming for the center of the target. This drill helps you fine-tune your sight alignment and trigger pull, essential for accurate shooting.

  1. Transition Drill

The Transition Drill improves your ability to quickly and accurately switch between multiple targets. Place three to five targets in a line or staggered formation. Start with your shotgun in the ready position, engage each target with one or two shots, and move to the next target swiftly. This drill enhances target acquisition, movement, and shooting speed.

  1. Failure to Stop Drill

Also known as the "Mozambique Drill," this exercise trains you to deliver precise follow-up shots. Place a target at 10 yards, with an aim point marked for the chest and head. Fire two shots to the chest and one to the head in quick succession. This drill develops accuracy under pressure and improves your ability to neutralize threats effectively.

  1. Reload Drill

Efficient reloading is critical in a tactical scenario. Practice both tactical and emergency reloads with this drill. Start with a partially loaded shotgun, fire until empty, then reload as quickly as possible. Use dummy rounds for safety during practice. Incorporate movement and cover to simulate real-world situations, enhancing your overall reloading speed and efficiency.

  1. Shotgun-to-Pistol Transition Drill

This drill prepares you for situations where your shotgun runs dry or malfunctions. Start with a loaded shotgun and a holstered pistol. Engage a target with the shotgun until it's empty or simulated malfunction, then transition to your pistol to finish the engagement. This drill builds muscle memory for smooth and rapid transitions between firearms.

  1. Moving Target Drill

Engaging moving targets sharpens your tracking and shooting skills. Use a moving target system or have a partner pull a target across a set path. Practice leading the target and firing accurate shots while it moves. This drill mimics real-life scenarios where threats may not be stationary, enhancing your ability to hit dynamic targets.

  1. Barricade Drill

The Barricade Drill improves your shooting accuracy and tactical movement around cover. Set up barricades or obstacles and practice shooting from various positions, such as kneeling, standing, or prone. Engage targets from behind cover, focusing on minimizing exposure while maximizing accuracy. This drill enhances your ability to use cover effectively in a tactical situation.

Bonus Tip: Heat Management

Summer heat can affect your performance. Stay hydrated, wear appropriate gear, and take regular breaks to avoid heat-related issues. Use cooling towels and portable fans to stay comfortable, ensuring you can maintain focus and accuracy throughout your training session.

By incorporating these seven drills into your summer range routine, you can significantly improve your tactical shotgun accuracy. These exercises develop essential skills such as target acquisition, reloading, movement, and precision, making you a more proficient and effective shooter. Stay safe, stay cool, and enjoy your time on the range!

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